Enhancing the International Student Experience
July 2018 | American Council on Education
Three concrete recommendations for improving the experience of international students on US campuses.
Science and security: Strengthening transnational research networks through university leadership
December 2019
Presented at a conference in December 2019, this forthcoming paper proposes the creation of a global consortium of universities that would establish and enforce standards for international research collaboration. The paper analyzes China’s national strategies for higher education and indigenous innovation and argues that stronger and more consistent standards would benefit Chinese universities as well as universities in developed countries. Please write to Brad at brad.farnsworth@foxhollowadvisory.com if you would like to see an advance copy.
International Exchanges Beyond Covid-19
April 2021 | American Council on Education
An e-book that explores the impact of Covid-19 on the future of international exchanges. Brad served as lead editor and wrote the introduction.
The International Dimensions of Higher Education
January 2020 | Association of Governing Boards
A guide to higher education internationalization written for university trustees and directors. Features a checklist for strategic planning and recommendations for board engagement.
How Should the U.S. Government Treat Chinese Students in America?
August 2019 | ChinaFile
Short essay on the policy environment for Chinese students as of mid-2019.
Enhancing the International Student Experience
July 2018 | American Council on Education
Three concrete recommendations for improving the experience of international students on US campuses.